
2013年4月12日 星期五


Harry Collins與Robert Evans在2002年提出「第3波科學研究」(The Third Wave of Science Studies)[1] 後,該篇論文一直是Social Studies of Science期刊上被引用的前兩名。其中絕大多數是對「第3波科學研究」的反對與批評。何以有這麼猛烈的反對聲浪,Collins做出了一些解釋,譬如將第3波科學研究誤解為「精英主義」、「反民主」,與誤用了SSK的概念以外,他還給出了如下的解釋-或許這本身是強綱領中「反身性」原則的應用吧。而這也點出了STS領域界內可能的問題。

even sociologists of knowledge, however much they apply their framework to others, have a strong residual preference for seeing themselves as discoverers of the truth rather than representatives of a fashion, or 'wave', of thought. [2]

[1] Collins, Harry , Robert Evans(2002)."The Third Wave of Science Studies of Expertise and Experience", in Social Studies of Science 32(2), pp.235-296.
[2] Collins, Harry(2011). 'The Third Wave of Science Studies: Developments and Politics', in Japan Journal for Science, Technology & Society, Vol.20.

